Taylor Swift accused Kanye West and Kim Kardashian of a slander

The singer Taylor Swift has accused rapper Kanye West and his wife, reality star Kim Kardashian of a malicious slander. The reason for the charges was the publication of a transcript of a conversation between West and Swift, from which it can be assumed that the singer approved of the lines dedicated to her in the rapper’s song Famous. It Continue Reading

Kanye West spent $ 1 million for his clip

The famous rapper Kanye West decided to impress the public not only with a scandalous music video, but also with an impressive sum of money that he spent for its shooting. Recently, Kim Kardashian’s husband uploaded into Youtube a controversial video for his song Famous, which excited the public. The rapper said that in order tofilm the provocative video he Continue Reading

Kim Kardashian commented on West and Swift’s conflict

Kanye West’s song and video Famous has made a lot of fuss about them. In this song there are names of some celebrities, including Taylor Swift. 26-year-old Taylor is outraged that she was mentioned without her consent. However, Kanye and his wife Kim Kardashian claim that Swift was aware of it and even took part in the creation of the Continue Reading

Kim Kardashian went out in a mesh dress

The scandalous star chose a mesh dress, revealing her underwear, as an outfit for the party. 35-year-old Kim once again tried to gain the attention of the public with a provocative dress. Instead of putting on an ordinary dress, Kardashian chose a mesh dress as the best option for an upcoming party. The outfit is completely translucent, which made the Continue Reading

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West sex tape costs $ 25 million

The notorious sex tape with Kim Kardashian and her husband Kanye West could bring a couple a round sum of at least . Such an amount could be readily paid by the dealers involved in adult films. The price for the hot tape with Kim was introduced by the head of one of these studios Steven Hirsch. He noted that Continue Reading

Kim Kardashian has become a platinum blonde

Kim Kardashian pleased the reporters with another sensation by becoming a platinum blonde. Hot socialite has changed her usual dark color and created a furore at the Paris Fashion Week. Kardashian published the picture of her new color in Instagram, causing a storm of emotions among her admirers who divided into two camps. Someone thinks that Kim has become incredibly Continue Reading

Kanye West proposes to Kim Kardashian (photo and video)

Kanye West proposes to Kim right in the day of her birthday. He hired the whole stadium for that occasion and kneeled down before Kim in the presence of all her kins giving her the diamond ring in 15 carats. The young mother Kim Kardashian has finally become a bride of her baby’s dad. According to the couple’s words, Kanye Continue Reading