How much for an ad on the Kardashians Instagram page?

While the majority of people spend most of their time in offices trying to get by, the Kardashians family earn some fortune by posting a photo in Instagram. Media has revealed the cost of a promotional post of the family’s every member.

As you know, Instagram is one of the key sources of income in the Kardashian family. It works in a way that they have a great impact on their fans and followers. Kim Kardashian, for example, has more than 95 millions of followers who are eager to buy whatever the diva has recommended. That is why the price of one promotional post is rather high – $ 500 000.

Kim’s sisters, Khloe and Kourtney, earn two times smaller: for publication on their pages they ask for $250 thousand. However, the younger sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner have almost caught up with the record holder Kim. Each of the young models earns $400 000 for a selling post in Instagram.

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